Useful Links

Oklahoma State Statutes []

Oklahoma Legislature []
Governor Mary Fallin’s Office []
Oklahoma State Senate []
Oklahoma State Representatives []
Oklahoma State Agency Websites []
Oklahoma Department of Commerce []
Oklahoma Department of Transportation []
Oklahoma Department of Libraries Government Doc []
Oklahoma Water Resources Board []
Oklahoma Main Street Program []
Oklahoma Vital Statistics []
Oklahoma Historical Society []
Census Quick Check []
Oklahoma State Chamber of Commerce []
State and Local Government on the Net []
Oklahoma Municipal League []
City & County Index []
Local Government Data []
Oklahoma – County Profiles []

United States Senate []
House of Representatives []
HUD & Local Gov Offices []
Tulsa Office Corps of Engineers []
FHWA Environmental Office []
US Census []
Bureau of Labor Statistics []
Statistical Abstract of the United States []

Oklahoma Association of Regional Councils []
Association of Central Oklahoma Gov. []
Association of South Central Council of Gov. []
Central Oklahoma Economic Dev. District []
Eastern Oklahoma Development District []
Grand Gateway Economic Dev. District []
Kiamichi Economic Dev. Dist. of Oklahoma []
Indian Nations Council of Governments []
Northern Oklahoma Dev. Association []
Oklahoma Economic Dev. Association []
Southern Oklahoma Dev. Association []
South Western Oklahoma Dev. Authority []

Other Useful Links for Oklahoma Planners
Oklahoma City Automobile Alley []
Planning Advocacy []
Planners Web []
Planning Education at a Distance []
Society for American City and Regional Planning History []
Urban Planning, 1794-1918 []
Harland Bartholomew: on-line []
Downtown Research & Dev. Center []
Municipal Codes On-Line []
Statistical Abstract of Oklahoma []
Surface Transp. Policy Project []
Federal Highway Administration []
Oklahoma Sierra Club []
Oklahoma State Parks []
Oklahoma Hiking Trails []
Preservation Oklahoma []
Preservation Resource Dir. []
Urban Parks Grant Handbook [ Handbook.pdf]
Urban Parks On-Line []

Sustainable Tulsa []
Oklahoma Sustainability Network []
Sustainable OKC []

HUD Clearinghouse Resource []
HUD On-Line Library []
HUD in Oklahoma []

Surface Transportation Policy Partnership []
Oklahoma’s Consolidated Plan Summaries []

Data Resources
Origins []
Cyburbia []

Useful Links